


Jour des Muguets

5月1日はスズランの日です。フランスではこの日をJour des Muguetsといい、スズランを贈ったり、家に飾ったりする習慣があるそうです。また贈られた人には幸運が訪れるといわれています。



Today is May Day. In France, it's called Jour des Muguets, and people present bunches of lily of the valley to their loved ones as it is said they bring happiness.

I found this cup with a couple of bunches of lily of the vally at local flower shop. It's very special flower since you can only find it this time of the year. So I had no hesitation to buy it.

Actually, I am planning to give this flower to a friend of mine today. She is going to have a baby in the end of this month! I really wish her and her husband a very happy life with the new baby!